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Swan Lake Marsh

Walpole Island First Nation, Ontario


This Centennial College Global Citizenship Equity Learning Experience (CGELE) is the third held at Walpole Island and continues to reinforce Centennial’s relationship with the community. As the project guide, Francis developed and managed the CGELE and its budget while he and two faculty members provided construction and biodiversity training to Centennial students. The goal of the community was to restore the Swan Lake Marsh to a healthier condition so that it can once again be used by local First Nation people as a low-key eco-tourism destination. Over a 12-day period, the Centennial team partnered with Walpole Island staff to completed biology and water quality assessments, clear garbage from the shores of the Marsh and built several infrastructure projects such as benches, floating docks and a small footbridge. The team also underwent extensive First Nation training including lessons about historic Chief Tecumseh, local treaties, residential schools, traditional medicines, Ojibwa language, and purple martin restoration projects. 

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